September 2016 was also known as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month which helps promote resources and awareness around the issues of suicide prevention, how you can help others and how to talk about suicide without increasing the risk of harm.
To help promote awareness about Suicide and Prevention, there are ways one can get involved. Out of Darkness Walk Events is one way. A few weeks ago some of the PHR clinicans participated in a local Out of the Darkness walk.
Linda Snead stated, "Considering the weather, we had a favorable turnout. With all the glass, this facility provided the sense of outdoors, but we were dry. All the speakers were passionate regarding the mission of this event, to encourage people out of darkness & hopefully away from suicide Much appreciation to Nancy & Katlin for their time & expertise to represent PHR at our information table." Quite a few clinicians also donated to the cause.
Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people and is often the result of mental health conditions that effect people when they are most vulnerable. Suicidal thoughts and suicide occur too frequently but should not be considered common and can indicate more serious issues.
Know The Warning Signs
Threats or comments about killing themselves, also known as suicidal ideation, can begin with seemingly harmless thoughts like “I wish I wasn’t here” but can become more overt and dangerous
Increased alcohol and drug use
Aggressive behavior
Social withdrawal from friends, family and the community
Dramatic mood swings
Talking, writing or thinking about death
Impulsive or reckless behavior
Is There Imminent Danger?
Any person exhibiting these behaviors should get care immediately:
Putting their affairs in order and giving away their possessions
Saying goodbye to friends and family
Mood shifts from despair to calm
Planning, possibly by looking around to buy, steal or borrow the tools they need to commit suicide, such as a firearm or prescription medication
If you are unsure, a licensed mental health professional can help assess risk.
Risk Factors For Suicide
Research has found that about 90% of individuals who die by suicide experience mental illness. A number of other things may put a person at risk of suicide, including:
A family history of suicide.
Substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol can result in mental highs and lows that exacerbate suicidal thoughts.
Intoxication. More than one in three people who die from suicide are found to be currently under the influence.
Access to firearms.
A serious or chronic medical illness.
Gender. Although more women than men attempt suicide, men are four times more likely to die by suicide.
A history of trauma or abuse.
Prolonged stress.
Age. People under age 24 or above age 65 are at a higher risk for suicide.
A recent tragedy or loss.
Agitation and sleep deprivation.
Can Thoughts Of Suicide Be Prevented?
Mental health professionals here are PHR are trained to help you or someone you might know understand their feelings and can improve mental wellness and resiliency. If you or someone you know wants support and help please contact us at 540-772-5140
Crisis And Information Resources
National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273 TALK (8255)
Connect 540-981-8181 or 1-800-284-8898
Respond 540-776-1100 or 1-800-591-9992
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